The wellbeing services county of Ostrobothnia
The Ostrobothnia welfare area stretches from Kristinestad in the south to Kronoby in the north. Ostrobothnia is the only welfare area where Swedish is the majority language. SFP works for a flexible personnel policy, for more preventive measures, for a greater range of services for young people, for local services, and for a strong development of both digital and mobile services. SFP wants all residents to receive the right care, at the right time, and at the right level. SFP is committed to ensuring that our entire region thrives – a place where everyone has a good life, work, and home. Healthy residents and high-quality healthcare, social care, and emergency services are essential conditions for a successful region.
The welfare area includes the municipalities of Jakobstad, Kaskö, Korsholm, Korsnäs, Kristinestad, Kronoby, Laihela, Larsmo, Malax, Nykarleby, Närpes, Pedersöre, Vasa, and Vörå.
Electron Programme for Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia
You can follow the Ostrobothnia welfare area on SFP in Ostrobothnia’s social media:
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