Name: Mika Lankinen
Year of birth: 1976
County: Southwest Finland
Town: City of Kaarina
Title: Rescue services, Development manager


Southwest Finland

"Targeted and comprehensive services for all, ecomically."

Politics is a new partnership for me and I have perhaps even consciously avoided it a little until now.

I don't see politics as an idea where you have to take a strong stand, but I want us to have a common idea of targeted and comprehensive services that we can afford. Without leaving anybody out.

As a father of two primary school-age children, I know the sleepless nights of parents of young children, the challenges of peak years and the needs of ageing relatives.

I have worked with rescue services in different positions since 1999.

Important political topics

Safe living

Halving the number of fires by 2030 is an ambitious goal set out in the Government Programme, and to achieve it, the emergency services need the support of other actors in the welfare area.

As the population ages and lives longer at home, the risk of fire increases as people become less able to function. People who visit the elderly, both relatives and welfare area workers, play a key role in monitoring home safety and preventing accidents.

The emergency services can increase safety communication and training for workers visiting the elderly and thus prevent accidents.

However, good preparedness on the part of the emergency services cannot prevent fires from starting, but only limit the extent of damage and reduce the number of injuries.

For a safe, fire-free everyday life and life, we need more cooperation and effective collaboration, all working together.

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Thriving children, adolescents and families

Preventing exclusion helps at all stages of life. The need for help identified at a young age and responded to in time will support you throughout your life.

Preventing exclusion can be done by increasing the sense of inclusion, employability, social protection and basic services.

Preventing exclusion requires good and effective cooperation between a wide range of actors, including those outside the welfare area.

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Candidates answers in election machine

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Is the Kaskisbacken Health Center (formerly Åboland Hospital) needed?

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Recruiting bilingual staff is a challenge to ensure linguistic competence of staff when bilingual services are centralised at the same address

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Should Varha increase the language supplement (Swedish language) for employees?

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

The language allowance would increase the motivation of staff to use Swedish.

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Should Varha invest more in professional firefighting services than in voluntary ones?

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

The operating environment has grown faster than the service network. The 6 minute statutory response time in 1st risk cells is not met by the volunteer fire service, but requires a permanent fire station. New stations will also require additional staffing.

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There should be more mobile services, such as health buses and remote consultations.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

This will provide services that are adaptable to a changing environment, without the need for expensive premises.

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Wellbeing services counties must increase investments in preventive healthcare, even if it means that other types of care receive fewer resources.

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Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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A personal doctor system should be introduced to improve continuity of care, even if it requires extra resources for a while.

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Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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Wellbeing services counties should prohibit the use of temporary agency doctors.

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Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It must be possible to calculate the economic efficiency objectively, in order to know the real cost savings of a rented doctor versus an official doctor.

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More shelter spaces should be established to help individuals subjected to violence.

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Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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To shorten waiting times, wellbeing services counties should increase the use of service vouchers.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Prevention would be the most important, so that there would not even be queues for treatment, which would have to be unloaded with service vouchers.

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Healthcare should be centralized if it saves money or improves quality.

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Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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Funding and resources for rescue services should be prioritized higher, even if it means cuts in other sectors.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

The legal capacity to act must be guaranteed in a changing and evolving world.

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Undocumented migrants should have the right to non-urgent healthcare.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

The need for and urgency of medical care should be assessed by a professional. Urgent treatments can be postponed for a limited period of time if there is no impact on the state of health.

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More emphasis should be placed on training healthcare staff in gender diversity and sexual diversity.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?

The ability to instantly purify the environment and stop climate change.
Invisibility to reveal and combat corruption at all levels.
Time travel to correct historical mistakes and improve the future.
Infinite wisdom to make perfect decisions on all political matters.
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