Central Ostrobothnia
"Financially sustainable and high-quality care and service for all."
I am 44 years old, married and have soon-to-be-adult children. I have extensive experience in healthcare and have worked with everything from children and young people in specialized healthcare, disability services to my current work in services for the elderly.
I am a practical nurse, registered nurse, public health nurse and i have a master's degree in health science. For 14 years, I have held leadership and management positions in healthcare and now work as an expert in developing services for people with dementia and memory problems.
With my background and passion for welfare and care, I want to be part of building quality care and services that are accessible to everyone.
Important political topics
Accessible health care
Preventive healthcare to everyone, with service close to the people.
Safe living
Safe living with functional and high-quality services that are adapted to the individual's needs
Safe elderly care
Elderly care with the right service at the right time according to the individual's needs.
Candidates answers in election machine
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Digital and mobile services are also local services.
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It is important that Soite's staff can also serve in Swedish, even though only about 9% of the population speaks Swedish.
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There should be more mobile services, such as health buses and remote consultations.
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Wellbeing services counties must increase investments in preventive healthcare, even if it means that other types of care receive fewer resources.
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A personal doctor system should be introduced to improve continuity of care, even if it requires extra resources for a while.
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Wellbeing services counties should prohibit the use of temporary agency doctors.
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More shelter spaces should be established to help individuals subjected to violence.
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To shorten waiting times, wellbeing services counties should increase the use of service vouchers.
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Healthcare should be centralized if it saves money or improves quality.
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Funding and resources for rescue services should be prioritized higher, even if it means cuts in other sectors.
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Undocumented migrants should have the right to non-urgent healthcare.
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More emphasis should be placed on training healthcare staff in gender diversity and sexual diversity.
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