Vantaa and Kerava
"Well being for everyone"
I’m 59 years old and live in Martinlaakso, Vantaa. I have a degree in masters of law as a senior advisor in the Tax Administration. I have a husband and two almost 29 year old daughters, of which one has a mild disability, and a 16 year old son. I have lived in Vantaa since 1991 and have been active in SFP in Vantaa since 2015. I am a substitute deputy in Vantaa and Kerava county council.
Important political topics
Safe living
Vantaa and Kerava should be safe to live in and we should do more to ensure this. No one should be afraid in his/her home or out on the streets. All minors should have a hobby.
High-quality health care
Access to health care should be easy. Also digital services should be available. No long waiting.
Thriving children, adolescents and families
Children and adolescents should have a hobby. The health care in schools should be more available, also the mental health care should be available when needed
Candidates answers in election machine
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The wellbeing services county should actively use language supplements as a way to encourage staff to use Swedish in healthcare work.
It is always good to encourage to use a language.
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The wellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava should take a more active role in decision-making in the HUS consortium.
Peijas hospital shall remain.
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There should be more mobile services, such as health buses and remote consultations.
There should absolutely be remote consultations available.
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Wellbeing services counties must increase investments in preventive healthcare, even if it means that other types of care receive fewer resources.
Preventive healtcare saves money in the future.
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A personal doctor system should be introduced to improve continuity of care, even if it requires extra resources for a while.
A personal doctor system is needed,
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Wellbeing services counties should prohibit the use of temporary agency doctors.
Temporary agency doctors can be needed so they should not be prohibited.
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More shelter spaces should be established to help individuals subjected to violence.
Violence against women is a problem. This is an issue conserning human rights.
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To shorten waiting times, wellbeing services counties should increase the use of service vouchers.
Service vouchers should be used temporarily.
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Healthcare should be centralized if it saves money or improves quality.
Services should be available near your home.
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Funding and resources for rescue services should be prioritized higher, even if it means cuts in other sectors.
There should be enough funding for all services.
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Undocumented migrants should have the right to non-urgent healthcare.
This is a question of human rights.
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More emphasis should be placed on training healthcare staff in gender diversity and sexual diversity.
This is a very important issue.
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