Name: Carola Bäckström
Year of birth: 1965
Municipality: Vantaa
Town: Vantaa
Title: Senior Adviser

Member in:

Svenska Seniorer
Svenska Kvinnoförbundet



"Safe in Vantaa"

I am 59 years old and live in Martinlaakso, Vantaa. I have a degree in masters of law and word as a senior adviser in the Tax Administration. I have two nearly 29-year old daughters and a 16-year old son. I live in Vantaa since 1991. I am active in SFP in Vanda since 2015.

Important political topics

Children, Youth, and Families

If you are happy, the city is happy. When everyone is thriving, there is less violence in the streets and the homes. All minors should have a hobby. The use and sale of drugs in the street should be more controlled.

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Thriving citizens

All minors should have a hobby. The use and sale of drugs should be more controlled, both in the public and in the schools. Families should get the help they need in time.

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Housing and Construction

No one should be homeless. Vantaa should offer an apartment to everyone. Planning should be done in a cost-effective way so that construction and renovation is less expensive.

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