Name: Patrik Karlsson
Year of birth: 1966
Municipality: Vantaa
Title: Viceprincipal
Phone: 040-7286447

Member in:

Svenska Seniorer
Svenska Kvinnoförbundet



"A safe choice - diverse experience with a large political network, among civil servants and the third sector. I work for the whole city"

I am a 59-year-old man, living with my family in Håkansböle. Works as a teacher, vice-principal and site manager in Västersundom school.
I have been active in municipal politics for 25 years, 20 years as a member of the council. In addition, I have sat on several different committees and the city board.
In addition to that, I have been part of the Swedish Committee in Vantaa for 24 years, of which I served as chairman for 16 years.
I have also been in the politics in the district council and board for healthcare.
Is an active singer in two different choirs.
Works within Public Health both locally and nationally.

Important political topics