Read the County election platform as PDF here.

Read the combined election platform for the County and Municipal elections as PDF here.

Read the combined election platform for the County and Municipal elections in Inari Sámi as PDF here.

Read the combined election platform for the County and Municipal elections in Northern Sámi as PDF here.

Read the combined election platform for the County and Municipal elections in Skolt Sámi as PDF here.

Together we build a good everyday life

The Swedish People’s Party (SFP) is Finland’s liberal party with strong Nordic and European ties. We believe in individuals and in every person’s right and ability to build their own lives and influence their existence. We believe in responsible freedom and in people’s mutual responsibility. Our politics and our liberalism are built upon respect for humanity and the environment, freedom and individual rights, peace and justice, equality and equal rights.

Whatever happens globally and nationally affects us locally. The polarization that currently characterizes political discourse in many parts of the world is also discernible in Finland. Making politics based on fear instead of hope is becoming increasingly common, and many attempts are made to divide society into opposing camps.

This is a reality in which SFP is truly needed. We do not accept politics of “us vs. them”; instead, we want to offer solutions that bring people together, both locally and nationally. We want to give every member of our society the opportunity to build their own future.

Our welfare state works best when the economy is balanced, people have jobs, and companies have the conditions they need for success. That is what we work towards. At the same time, we actively fight climate change and carry out measures to reinforce biodiversity. A sustainable society is a prerequisite for everyday security. For our country to blossom, we need both strong cities and a vital countryside.

SFP is an open and welcoming popular movement for everyone. We want to work towards a country with two thriving official languages: Swedish and Finnish. We are a party that always looks after minorities, including minority languages.

We always defend the rule of law and democracy. We believe that by being well-educated and international, Finland can be a safe country that can tackle future challenges. We want an open and multicultural society built on cooperation, which looks after all generations. SFP’s voice is the voice of liberalism, inclusivity and responsibility at all levels of political decision-making. We are aware that the challenges of the national economy make things difficult in many areas, when actions must be adjusted to the economic reality. Welfare must be built upon humanity, securing health and social care, education and other social services.

Availability of trained employees is one of the main factors for Finland’s future success. To meet this need, we must invest in more educational institutions and increase labour migration. To ensure that we have access to the necessary workforce, we must also invest more highly in employee well-being.

Everyone in our society must have equal rights and opportunities, and be included in decision-making. SFP works steadfastly for equality. We always defend every person’s fundamental right to decide on their own bodies. No one must be discriminated against based on language, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age. We resolutely work towards achieving a society that is free from racism and discrimination.

We work towards maintaining vitality in municipalities, regions and wellbeing services counties, through strong local democracy. Decisions must be made openly, avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy. We want to see functioning collaboration between municipalities, counties, the state, the private sector and the third sector. SFP is the party that remains close to you at all stages of your life. We want it to be easy for you to contact your local and national representatives, whatever the issue.


SFP Election platform for the 2025 County Elections

Accessible Health care

We don’t choose when to become ill. Accidents can happen unexpectedly. Safety comes from knowing that care and assistance are available when needed. It must be easy to contact health

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High-quality health care

Sometimes we need care in the form of a simple procedure or consultation; at other times more comprehensive treatment and diagnostics are needed. Whatever the case, SFP wants to ensure

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Safe living

Safety and security are the foundations of a happy life. Knowing that help and support are available when one needs them makes it easier to focus on one’s studies, work

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Functioning social welfare

People have a need of physical, social and psychological well-being. We often require more than one form of care simultaneously. Care services that see us as individuals with manifold needs

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Thriving children, adolescents and families

Finland’s prenatal and child health clinics are a success story built upon the idea that preventive care is the best care. Thriving children are more likely to become thriving adolescents

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Safe elderly care

Our care and support needs vary at different stages of our lives. However, our basic human needs remain the same: social interaction, safety, activities and, when necessary, care. These conditions

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Reliable rescue services

Accidents happen unexpectedly and can affect anyone. Certain types of accidents require specialist assistance and services. Functioning rescue services can be, and often are, a matter of life and death.

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