West Uusimaa
"For Your Well-being in the Future "
I am a newcomer to politics and this is my first time running for election. Running for the welfare election is important to me because social work is close to my heart. I am a trained social worker and have worked for many years in child protection and adult social work. I have held trust positions as a board member and treasurer of Talentia Västra Nyland Association, and also served as a trustee in the city of Raseborg. Currently, I work as a unit manager at Folkhälsan Välfärd Ab child protection unit. I place great importance on openness, cooperation, and sustainable values. I feel that it is important to be able to make a difference, and I want to work to ensure that our children have a better future to grow up in.
Important political topics
Thriving children, adolescents and families
Children who are well are likely to become young people and later adults who are well. If children receive support early in their upbringing, and parents receive the help they need to care for their children, we build a foundation for a healthy society. Support for families and parents creates security and prevents problems.
Functioning social welfare
Through investments in functioning social work, preventive work, early interventions, and multi-professional collaboration, measures against exclusion and mental health issues can be strengthened. To get best support and help, it is important to consider the entire family when different issues arise. It is crucial that services and various support forms for people with disabilities are provided close to those who need help, in both of our national languages.
Accessible health care
Security comes from knowing that care and assistance are available when we need it. It should be easy to contact healthcare when you are sick, regardless of where you live. Rehabilitation and preventive healthcare support services are needed to promote well-being as well as social and physical functionality.
Candidates answers in election machine
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Ambulance services should receive more resources so that the number of ambulances in the region increases rather than decreases.
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Services should be maintained in the regional hospitals in Raseborg and Lohja.
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The wellbeing services county of West Uusimaa should allocate more resources to language supplements to encourage staff to provide services in Swedish.
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There should be more mobile services, such as health buses and remote consultations.
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Wellbeing services counties must increase investments in preventive healthcare, even if it means that other types of care receive fewer resources.
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A personal doctor system should be introduced to improve continuity of care, even if it requires extra resources for a while.
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Wellbeing services counties should prohibit the use of temporary agency doctors.
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More shelter spaces should be established to help individuals subjected to violence.
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To shorten waiting times, wellbeing services counties should increase the use of service vouchers.
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Healthcare should be centralized if it saves money or improves quality.
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Funding and resources for rescue services should be prioritized higher, even if it means cuts in other sectors.
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Undocumented migrants should have the right to non-urgent healthcare.
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More emphasis should be placed on training healthcare staff in gender diversity and sexual diversity.
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