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SFP works to ensure that healthcare is of high quality and accessible to everyone, regardless of place of residence, income or native language. We want all residents to feel safe regardless of what service needs they have or what stage of life they are in.

Social and health care should be accessible. It should be easy to get in touch with services, regardless of your preferred method of contact. There should be a low threshold for asking for help, regardless of what it is about. The services offered should be diverse and respond to the needs that you have. You should receive the care and help you need, and not be bounced from one place to another.

We best achieve safe elderly care through a wide range of services. You should feel safe living at home and be able to be sure that you will get help when you need it. New solutions are needed to ensure that the services are sufficient for everyone.

Ambulances, fire brigades and other rescue services should be reliable. You should be able to trust that help will come if the worst should happen, regardless of location or time of day. We are working to secure sufficient resources to maintain preparedness, including in rural areas and the archipelago.

A good personnel policy is the key to the success of the welfare counties. We need to support our wonderful staff when they are going through changes caused by the health care reform. Employees should be able to influence their jobs and they should be allowed to perform the tasks they are trained to do. Motivated and knowledgeable staff are fundamental for well-functioning services.