Safe living

Safety and security are the foundations of a happy life. Knowing that help and support are available when one needs them makes it easier to focus on one’s studies, work and relationships.

SFP wants to work for safe and functional everyday living. Health and social care must be available when they are needed, and the environments in which they are provided must be safe. Everyone’s right to good care must be secured, regardless of place of residence, income level and mother tongue.

Services must be available and equally functional in both of the official languages. You must be able to access the care and aid you need without being sent round from one instance to the next.

The care service palette is transforming, and mobile and digital services can be one way to improve accessibility. The wellbeing services counties must have sufficient competence for making use of digitalization and AI in care.

The private and third sectors are needed to supplement public care provision. We want all the counties to take care of their finances responsibly. We work towards the financing of the wellbeing services counties being fairly distributed, with an emphasis on preventive and rehabilitative care. We must stem the increase in costs in the long term, especially within specialist health care.


SFP wants:

  • to secure the availability of health care for all inhabitants
  • to see well-functioning cooperation between municipalities and the wellbeing services counties
  • to have digital care services developed
  • to see equality and equal treatment characterizing all operations of the counties
  • to ensure care personnel have competence in issues related to gender and sexual diversity
  • to increase investments into occupational health, well-being and job satisfaction, as well as good leadership, equality and competitive salaries in the wellbeing services counties
  • to ensure care personnel can build career paths that allow for specialization and further education
  • to reduce dependence on medical and care locums in the wellbeing services counties
  • to prevent violence against care personnel, so that they can conduct their jobs safely
  • to facilitate functioning recruitment and integration of foreign care personnel, ensuring that integration in Swedish is a viable alternative
  • to ensure sufficient language bonuses are paid by the counties, and are also applied to languages other than Swedish and Finnish
  • to secure the rights of the Sami to receive care in their own languages
  • to ensure that language minority councils and boards have proper opportunities to influence decision-making
  • to ensure information and care directives are available in all the national languages and are provided to patients
  • to increase the use of service vouchers when it is expedient to do so
  • to safeguard the third sector’s operating conditions
  • to ensure small businesses and the third sector have realistic opportunities for taking part in tenders, by promoting partial procurement, among other things
  • to modernize the procurement of IT services so that the counties are no longer bound to expensive licence agreements that steal resources from care provision
  • to ensure KELA taxi services are functional and tailored to individual needs
  • to see wellbeing services counties making breastfeeding-friendly workplace policies
  • to improve access to primary health care doctors by creating flexible working conditions and career paths
  • youth representatives, elderly citizens’ councils and disability councils to play significant roles in decision-making and inclusion

Accessible Health care

We don’t choose when to become ill. Accidents can happen unexpectedly. Safety comes from knowing that care and assistance are available when needed. It must be easy to contact health...

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