Important political topics
Candidate's answers in election machine
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Early childhood education should be free for everyone.
Day care forms the developmental cornerstone for all children. By providing it for free, we minimize the risk of children being left without the crucial social development that occurs during day care. No child is to be lonely. Free day care would also lessen the economic pressure placed on parents. This could be especially impactful on younger adults, who often feel as though they simply can\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t afford to have kids. Even though this initiative would create an increase in costs for the city, it will also ensure a proper development for all children from a young age. Additionally we might also see an increase in birth rates. Eitherway, the benefits greatly outweigh the costs.
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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.
The digital educational materials which have been provided to the schools are of rather poor quality. Much of the rich information which is provided by traditional books is quite simply not attainable in the current digital platform för education. Nevertheless, it is absolutely crucial that both the children and youth get to participate in the digital environment, in an academic sense. In case that we allow everything digital to solely serve entertainment-porpuses in the lives of the youth, we also allow their digital competence to fall behind. In an evermore digitalised world it quite simply isn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t plausible to solely rely on traditional educational materials. The children and youth have to learn how to handle the digital world in a productive and educational manner, not just to endlessly scroll. It would be best to provide a sort of hybrid-system, where both traditional physical materials and new digital materials are at play. Thus, we lose no information that digital sources can\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t provide, while also ensuring that the youth are well-equipped to navigate and utilise the digital world.
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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.
Sports, exercise, and other recreational activities form the core of the health of our inhabitants. An active lifestyle, where one gets to enjoy a lot of social interaction, and exercise, is the best way to secure a healthy, long and happy life. Sports and exercise are also an effective tool for bringing people together. The joy of exercise reaches far past any language-barriers or other obstacles which people might otherwise find in their interaction. It is crucial to provide a medium for people to interact with eachother, in this ever-increasingly international city. By providing these free-time posibilities to even more inhabitants, we create healthy habits. Habits which, in the long run, are beneficial for our entire society, as a healthy and happy inhabitant often also is the most productive.
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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.
Cultural activity strenghtens both our cultural identity, as well as cultural development in our city. It is therefore crucial that we also support it, as to not allow our culture to simply exist as some marketing-tool. Our nation and the identity of our people has lived on in our cultural circles through the times. We should at the very least honour this cultural heritage, which once upon a time also birthed the idea of an independent Finland. Cultural activity also forms a crucial part of our city and the community of its inhabitants. In case that someone shows interest in partaking in our cultural life, then it is best to let them do so.
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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.
A more active partaking from the inhabitants could be decisive for comfort of life and effective use of city resources. The inhabitants themselves often know what\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s best for their community. Raising an active atmosphere could however be challenging, as we can already see quite a low interest in existing democratic processes within the city. This is nontheless an initiative worth taking.
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The municipality should invest in public transportation.
Public transport is the golden opportunity to improve the quality of life in our city, as well as our competitiveness and climate friendliness. Public transport is in general the ideal form of transportation for the future Helsinki. At the same time as we reduce the amount of harmful particles in our air, which are mainly produced by personal vehicles, we also observe that more money can be spent elsewhere, when the automotive industry isn\'t burdening the economies of our inhabitants. Helsinki could also attract more of the worlds bright minds by providing a low-cost and effecient mode of transport for all inhabitants to use. Thus we improve our global competitiveness and economic outlook in general.
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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.
Municipalities are primarily responsible for the providing of services and local administration to its inhabitants. Imagine a citizen of Finland decides that they would prefer to be a digital inhabitant of Kauniainen, while living in Helsinki. Problems arise when said person has to pay their taxes. Do they pay their taxes in accordance with both municipalities and their own regulaiton, or do they simply pay for one municipality? By completely skipping this problem and continuing with the system as it is we avoid a situation where an inhabitant benefits from municipal services, while effectively never paying for them.
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The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.
Reneewable energy is a great way of increasing our city\'s energy production without adding any unpleasent emissions or pollution to our city. In Helsinki especially, it might be wise to look in to expanding our wind-power production, as we are subject to quite rough winds troughout the year. For any private actor willing to increase our clean and reneewable energy production, the possiblity to do so should absolutely be presented.
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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.
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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.
Municipalities must be able to check both backgrounds and identities under their recruitement processes. Anonymous recruiting works well if one\'s goal is to remove prejudices. Anonymous recruiting is however far too risky, given the damage that the municipal services could suffer.
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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?
If we could win humanity a few more millenia, we would almost certainly be able to conquer all other challenges that are present. Climate change is without a doubt the biggest threat that humanity is faced with, without it, not even the stars are the limit.