"With Sense and responsibility "
Live in Ytteresse. Trained in social sciences (socionom yh) and work in the third sector.
Married and mother of three boys who all attend high school.
The family also have five cats.
I get energy from long walks, going to the gym and social contexts.
Relax with music and films and I enjoy baking.
Important political topics
Children, Youth, and Families
Families are one of the foundations of society. A functioning everyday life in the family lays the foundation for the child's and young person's future and supports the childs development. Regarding the municipal service, the access to high-quality early childhood education, investments in culture and leisure, factors that contribute to wellbeing within families.
The best schools
Finland and Pedersöre already have, for the most part, The best schools! The municipality has invested a lot in the schools in recent years (built several new schools), the teachers are skilled and motivated. Within the schools, more and more importance is attached to well-being. The children can participate in various clubs after the school day and the importance of physical activity is important, both for the body and the brain/mind. The school play an important role in the childs development.
Municipal and urban vitality
For me, viable municipalities are about the economy, business, workplaces and the residents' well-being. Something that Ostrobothnia and Pedersöre are really good at is entrepreneurship. Something to be proud of! Businesses means jobs, development and tax revenues. For the municipality to grow and have more citizens companies have a key role. Vitality is also about the residents' health and well-being, there also needs to be an investment in culture and leisure activities! And the municipal services need to be within a reasonable distance.