Name: Rainer Bystedt
Year of birth: 1960
Municipality: Vörå
Phone: +358-44-3416500

Member in:

Svenska Seniorer



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Candidate's answers in election machine

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Early childhood education should be free for everyone.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Already today, many people have free services, but the municipality spends a lot of working hours figuring out the incomes of families. It is just as well to make it free for everyone, but then the state should also increase funding.

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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

In our modern society, digitalization is needed, but to develop reading comprehension and traditional skills, books and pens are also necessary.

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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

The statutory duties come first, but to achieve a good overall result, sports and recreation are also important.

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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Opportunities should be provided, but for different language groups, it can be difficult to find the right offerings.

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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It is good if the residents of the municipality can provide good suggestions on how their local environment should be developed.

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The municipality should invest in public transportation.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It is difficult to develop public transport in sparsely populated areas, but some targeted measures can be taken, and future technology can provide us with new opportunities.

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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

8 / 11

The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It is a good way to broaden the tax base and provide new income opportunities in rural areas.

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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Diversity adds value, and we need pleasant living environments.

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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It is difficult to make anonymous recruitment work in small municipalities; sometimes we only have one applicant.

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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?

The ability to instantly purify the environment and stop climate change.
Invisibility to reveal and combat corruption at all levels.
Time travel to correct historical mistakes and improve the future.
Infinite wisdom to make perfect decisions on all political matters.
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