Name: Nina Peltomäki
Year of birth: 1970
Municipality: Vaasa
Town: Vaasa
Title: MEd, teacher

Member in:

Svenska Kvinnoförbundet



"Jämlikhet i alla åldersgrupper - Tasa-arvoa kaikissa ikäryhmissä"

My name is Nina Peltomäki. I was born in Helsinki but have lived in Vaasa since I was 5 years old. I have two mother tongues, Swedish and Finnish. I am married and have two adult children. My son is studying to become a sea captain in Turku, and my daughter works as a news reporter for Sveriges Radio in Stockholm. We have a wonderful dog. I enjoy spending time at the cottage, walking in the forest with the dog, as well as reading and writing.

During the day, I work as a language immersion teacher at Länsimetsän koulu, where children from Finnish-speaking families attend early full immersion in Swedish. Three evenings a week, I work as a Finnish teacher for adults at the Alma Adult Education Center. I am the chairperson of the area committee in the northern districts. I am also the vice-chairperson of the local branch of SFP in Gerby-Västervik and a board member of the Vaasa Swedish Women's Club. I have written many textbooks in Swedish and Finnish for primary school. Currently, I am writing an A2-Finnish textbook for Swedish-speaking children in the 6th grade. I work as a lecturer on communicative teaching methods and language-aware teaching. I also serve as a lay judge in the Ostrobothnia District Court.

Important political topics

Children, Youth, and Families

I want to work for the mental well-being of children and young people by providing sufficient support for families. Preventive work is necessary to reduce bullying, substance abuse, and mental health issues.

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Equality and Equity

An equal and equitable society should be a given for everyone. Everyone should have an equal opportunity for education, work, and healthcare. Everyone should be treated with respect and kindness.

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Thriving citizens

Residents who are well are an asset to the entire society. Natural interaction between age groups contributes to well-being. Care and nursing should be guaranteed for all age groups. I want to work to increase the participation of all residents in society.

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