Name: Nikolaj von Veh
Year of birth: 1983
Municipality: Porvoo
Town: Borgå
Title: Psychologist

von Veh


"Well-being and mental health are the foundation for everything else."

I have been a resident of Borgå since 2010, worked for the city of Borgå as a school psychologist 2010-2022, and for Östra Nylands välfärdsområde 2023-2024.

I stood in the 2021 municipal elections. Currently sitting in Nämnden för Växande och Lärande (committee for growing and learning).

Well-being and mental health are very important to me both in my professional as well as my private life.

Important political topics

Children, Youth, and Families

A functioning and attractive municipality needs to see and hear its inhabitants as individuals, as part of a group, as well as members of a larger whole, over their whole lifetime.

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The best schools

The best school strives to give every student the ability to reach their own full potential and provides the right type of assistance along the way. The correct use of educational support, the availability of school counselling, emotional and mental support, as well as teaching that gives students the tools for the future.

Read more about our election platform ›

Candidate's answers in election machine

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Porvoo should enable the construction of a Prisma store through city planning.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Location is the central factor.

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Porvoo should market itself as a national and international tourist destination by organizing more events, even if it increases costs for the city.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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Porvoo city center should become more car-free by converting more streets into pedestrian and cycling streets.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

This would require a functioning local transport network, free parking space, as well as smooth co-existence for the different modes of transport.

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Early childhood education should be free for everyone.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Education should be diverse and reflect the present where it is most needed.

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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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The municipality should invest in public transportation.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

I\'m not familiar enough with this subject to form a clear opinion on it.

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The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?

The ability to instantly purify the environment and stop climate change.
Invisibility to reveal and combat corruption at all levels.
Time travel to correct historical mistakes and improve the future.
Infinite wisdom to make perfect decisions on all political matters.
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