Name: | Mehdi Yarmohammadi |
Year of birth: | 1978 |
Municipality: |
Espoo |
Town: | Espoo |
Title: | Puheenjohtaja Intelligent Globular Trading OY:ssä |
Email: | mehdi@intelligentglo.com |
Phone: | 0452393908 |

"Tehdään Espoosta paras keskus menestyville yrittäjille, enemmän työpaikkoja ja kestävä tulevaisuus!"
Olen kokenut yrittäjä, joka on erikoistunut suomalaisten tuotteiden viennin hoitamiseen Lähi-itään ja EU-maihin vuodesta 2008 lähtien. Kansainvälisen kaupan ja markkinoiden laajentamisen syvällinen ymmärrys on auttanut minua luomaan vahvoja liiketoimintaverkostoja eri alueilla, ja auttamaan suomalaisia yrityksiä menestymään globaalilla tasolla.
Omistan Executive MBA -tutkinnon Aalto-yliopistosta, mikä on antanut minulle strategisen johtajuuden taidot ja asiantuntemusta liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä, kansainvälisessä kaupassa ja talouskasvussa. Vuosien varrella olen työskennellyt tiiviisti yritysten, päättäjien ja organisaatioiden kanssa, edistäen globaalien liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien hyödyntämistä ja tukien talouskasvua yrittäjyyden kautta.
Visio Espoolle
Espoolla on potentiaalia kehittyä johtavaksi yrittäjyyden, innovaatioiden ja kestävän liiketoiminnan kehittämisen keskukseksi. Tavoitteeni on luoda ympäristö, jossa yritykset voivat menestyä, uusia työpaikkoja syntyy ja Espoo kasvaa kilpailukykyiseksi, tulevaisuuteen suuntautuvaksi ja kestäväksi kaupungiksi.
Yhdessä voimme tehdä Espoosta parhaan paikan yrittäjille ja yrityksille menestyä, samalla varmistamalla kestävän ja innovatiivisen tulevaisuuden!
Important political topics
Economy & Business
Espoossa on valtava potentiaali kehittyä innovaation ja yrittäjyyden keskukseksi. Sen strateginen sijainti, osaava työvoima ja huippuluokan instituutiot kuten Aalto-yliopisto tarjoavat erinomaiset edellytykset talouskasvulle. Jotta kaupunki voisi menestyä, Espoon tulisi keskittyä houkuttelemaan kansainvälisiä investointeja, erityisesti Lähi-idästä ja EU-maista, sekä tukemaan pk-yrityksiä.
Yhteistyön edistäminen vakiintuneiden yritysten ja startupien välillä tukisi innovaatiota ja loisi kestäviä työpaikkoja. Lisäksi meidän on panostettava kestävyyteen, tukemalla yrityksiä, jotka keskittyvät vihreisiin teknologioihin ja kiertotalouden käytäntöihin varmistaaksemme pitkän aikavälin menestyksen.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Espoossa on mahdollisuus kehittyä liiketoiminnan, innovaation ja kestävyyden johtavaksi kaupungiksi. Luomalla oikean ympäristön yrittäjille voimme taata kaupungille menestyksellisen tulevaisuuden.
Candidate's answers in election machine
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We should build upwards rather than expand into new areas in Espoo.
Building upwards in Espoo can be a sustainable and efficient way to manage urban growth, especially in already developed areas where infrastructure and services are already in place. However, it\'s also important to consider the need for balanced development, including green spaces and community areas. While we should prioritize vertical development, we should also be mindful of creating livable, vibrant neighborhoods for all residents.
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Espoo is a safe city to live in.
Espoo is a safe place to live, providing its residents with a high quality of life. The city focuses on safety, infrastructure, and community well-being. While there may be areas that need improvement, Espoo is generally a secure environment for all its residents.
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Espoo provides sufficient services and support for young people.
Espoo provides many services for young people, such as recreational activities, education opportunities, and support throughout different stages of life. However, there are areas where the quantity and quality of services for young people could be improved to ensure that all youths receive the support and opportunities they need.
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Early childhood education should be free for everyone.
Early childhood education is crucial for children\'s development and future success. Offering it for free would ensure equal opportunities for all families to access early education, regardless of their financial situation. This would also promote social equality and support children\'s well-being.
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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.
Traditional textbooks can be valuable in certain situations, but digital learning materials have become an integral part of modern education, offering flexibility and interactivity. Digital materials provide access to a wider range of information and learning formats. Education should strike a balance between traditional and digital resources, considering the needs of students and the learning environment.
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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.
Providing opportunities for exercise and recreation is a key part of well-being and a healthy lifestyle. Well-equipped sports facilities support the physical and mental well-being of residents and offer a sense of community and activities. The municipality should ensure that everyone has access to these opportunities, and that services are easily accessible and diverse.
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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.
Providing equal opportunities for cultural activities is crucial for promoting diversity and equality within society. Culture enriches lives and fosters a sense of community, and it should be accessible to everyone regardless of background, age, or financial status. The municipality\'s role is to ensure that access to cultural activities is open and diverse for all residents.
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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.
Participatory budgeting is an excellent way to increase citizen involvement and influence in the decision-making process regarding how municipal funds are allocated. When residents have a say in where public funds are directed, it enhances transparency and trust in local governance. This type of involvement also strengthens the sense of community and allows residents to voice their opinions on important issues.
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The municipality should invest in public transportation.
Investing in public transportation improves mobility and accessibility for all residents, especially those without access to a private car. It reduces traffic congestion, enhances environmental quality, and makes the city more sustainable. By investing in public transportation, we can reduce private car usage and promote eco-friendly travel.
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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.
With digitalization, it makes sense to explore the possibility of being a resident in multiple municipalities, especially with remote work opportunities and more flexible lifestyles. This could promote mobility and allow residents to participate more widely in community life across different locations. However, it would require careful planning and coordination with municipal taxes and services.
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The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.
Expanding renewable energy sources like solar and wind power is crucial for sustainability and environmental protection. The municipality should actively support and facilitate this type of energy production by providing incentives and the necessary infrastructure. This would reduce dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to a greener transition.
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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.
Mixing different housing types is important to provide options that suit people in different life situations. Including a range of housing types, such as family homes, smaller apartments, and senior housing, promotes community diversity and vibrancy. This approach also makes the area more attractive and supports balanced development.
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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.
Anonymous recruitment can promote equality and reduce biases during the hiring process. It ensures that the selection is based solely on qualifications rather than gender, age, or ethnic background. However, it\'s important to note that in some roles, especially those involving customer interaction or specific requirements, knowing the applicant\'s background might be necessary.
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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and there is a global need for immediate and effective action. A superpower that could instantly purify the environment and stop climate change would be a tremendous benefit to ecological balance and future generations.