"The voice of farmers and foresters in the council!"
34 years old. Lives in Kalax with my fiancée. Qualified Forestry Engineer (YH) and Drainage Planner*. Works at ProAgria mainly with drainage and runs an agricultural/forestry business since 2019. Used to pulling together projects and participating in several road/ditch projects as well as village and association activities. In a decision-making role, I am more driven by facts and checking information than having opinions.
Important political topics
Economy & Business
Working primarily for the benefit of farmers and foresters. Also understands that we need diversity with different companies in order to be as self-sufficient as possible with goods and services.
Municipal and urban vitality
I will do my utmost for the good of the city of Närpes. So that we have a good city where we can live in the future as well.
Thriving citizens
Will take into account the interests of residents and the development of the area in important issues.
Candidate's answers in election machine
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Early childhood education should be free for everyone.
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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.
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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.
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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.
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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.
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The municipality should invest in public transportation.
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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.
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The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.
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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.
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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.
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