Name: Leila Roininen
Year of birth: 1979
Municipality: Vaasa
Town: Vaasa
Title: Manager of burial services, Master of natural resourses

Member in:

Svenska Kvinnoförbundet



"An attractive, vibrant, functional and safe Vaasa is in the interest of all of us"

I am a 46-year-old mother of three children. I am from Tornio by birth. I moved to Vaasa 19 years ago to work as a green area horticulturist and a landscape planner to promote a more comfortable and functional city. I worked with the planning and construction of green areas and parks, as well as various works and projects related to the environment and natural diversity.
Last spring I joined the service of the Vaasa parish association as a manager of burial services. Despite moving into a different type of work, I still consider it important that environmental issues are planned, developed and taken forward all the time.  

Our family is bilingual.The children are native speakers of Swedish and go to school and kindergarten in Swedish. My mother tongue is Finnish. The experience of different languages and cultures has been a natural part of my life since childhood. This experience along with the proximity of Tornio and Haaparanta allowed me to quickly settle in Vaasa. 

Together with the children, we exercise as much as possible using the city's services such as swimming pools, cultural services, playgrounds and other outdoor areas. Moving around in nature is an important resource and a source of joy. 

Considering the diversity of nature, solutions suitable for the environment, developing playgrounds and green areas and parks are important to me. It is important to quickly get an unrestricted swimming beach in Vaasa, because the council's initiative has already been answered. The planning of the project should start quickly, because if realized, it would serve a large number of residents of Vaasa, including the disabled and the elderly. I consider it important that in the near future various new investments in outdoor sports, such as a cooled ski track and an inland outdoor swimming pool, are investigated. These investments would substantially increase exercise opportunities, the happiness of the residents of Vaasa, and extend the outdoor seasons of both hobbies. 

As a caregiver for a close person, I consider it important that the city takes into account special groups, accessibility and the needs of all citizen groups in all its service offerings. Electronic service channels should be built as accessible and as easy to use as possible, such as using plain language. In applied sports for children and young people, opportunities must also be offered for team sports and sport trials. In general, all decisions and acquisitions should be subject to at least a brief child impact assessment, if the decision is important in terms of children's well-being. Preventing marginalization is not only a matter for social and health services, but it should be taken into account in all the city's operations and planning. It is currently much more goal-oriented. Equality and equity must be part of all the city's decision-making.  If I am elected, I am ready to put my expertise, know-how and contribution to the use of the townspeople to promote solutions to common issues.

Important political topics

Forerunners in climate and the environment

Natural diversity, thriving green areas and environment, diverse outdoor recreation areas, and functional public transport and infrastructure are the foundations of a well-functioning and attractive city.

Read more about our election platform ›

Children, Youth, and Families

By investing in children, young people and families, in effective early childhood education and high-quality comprehensive schools and education, we can influence the lives of the majority of all Vaasa residents.

Read more about our election platform ›

Candidate's answers in election machine

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Early childhood education should be free for everyone.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

The fees for early childhood education are already significantly lower than about a 10 years ago in relation to income. It is reasonable that good incomes still pay an early childhood education fee, which is not large in relation to the service and good level of early childhood education in Vaasa.

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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

To ensure good writing and reading skills, it is good to continue to prefer traditional textbook material. In addition, children and young people use too many phones and tablets anyway, so their use should be limited even at school.

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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Providing good and reasonably priced or even free outdoor exercise and movement opportunities is a very important part of the city\\\\\\\'s services. These entities should be viewed broadly, because all parks, playgrounds, swimming beaches and nearby forest trails are also important in providing exercise opportunities.

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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

All residents need the opportunity to participate in cultural services and use e.g. library services. Plain-language material should also offer opportunities for cultural experiences.

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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

This is already in use in Vaasa. However, the amount could be slightly higher than the current 15,000 euros.

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The municipality should invest in public transportation.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Public transport is an important part of the city, managing carbon dioxide emissions and enabling movement for all city residents, regardless of age. It will also be further developed in Vaasa.

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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

I do not see the need to be a member of several municipalities.

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The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

In particular, municipalities and cities should enable and promote circular economy projects in which nutrients are recycled and efforts are made to find compensation opportunities for carbon dioxide emissions.

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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

The construction of smaller apartments and small houses should be favored and made possible. If possible, other forms of housing diversification should be explored, if a need for them is found.

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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It has already been used in several recruitments in Vaasa.

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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?

The ability to instantly purify the environment and stop climate change.
Invisibility to reveal and combat corruption at all levels.
Time travel to correct historical mistakes and improve the future.
Infinite wisdom to make perfect decisions on all political matters.

Wisdom in decision-making also enables the ability to make good decisions in terms of the environment and fighting against corruption.

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