Name: Garry Parker
Year of birth: 1971
Municipality: Espoo
Town: Alberga / Leppävaara
Title: Lawyer



"Esbo needs first-class support services to: 1. employment opportunities through growth in inward investment, including international business; 2. Deliver high quality cultural and leisure activities; 3. Satisfy housing and sustainable planning demands. "

I trained as a lawyer in the United Kingdom moving to Finland in 2006. I was active in local government as a City Councillor in the UK. My family business background is in wood furniture making / specialist joinery - (yes, I rebuilt our own sauna). I founded the British and Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce in Finland Ry /Rf in 2008. I help businesses trade and invest between Finland and 56 Commonwealth countries. I sing tenor in two Swedish-speaking choirs. I am married with two grown up sons.

Important political topics

Culture and Leisure

Esbo needs more first class services supporting local and international cultural activities, including music, drama, fine arts and sports. A number of indoor and outdoor venues would benefit from a face-lift.

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Economy & Business

Esbo is, to my mind, a very attractive place to start up and run a business both large and small. Attracting sustainable local and foreign direct investment is a priority in the fastest growing municipality in Finland. Ensuring excellent support services for businesses is an essential task for the City Council.

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Sustainable and attractive planning

Esbo's fast growth poses great challenges for urban and rural planners. Balancing Esbo's Garden City history with increased key worker housing and business premises demands requires a more joined-up approach. The focus should be on creating and maintaining a great quality place to live, whilst delivering quantity and variety for residents - and all this while preserving a thriving natural environment.

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