Name: Emma Soini
Year of birth: 2003
Municipality: Vaasa
Town: Vaasa
Title: University student of political studies with political history
Phone: +358401705430

https://SFP:s valwebb, Emma Soini

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"Together are we strong!"

I am 21 years old and moved to Vaasa a year and a half ago to study political science at Åbo Akademi, with media and communication as my major. For just as long, I have been involved in RKP Youth, where I have had the opportunity to advocate for equality issues through social media, being a member in the equality committee of RKP Youth and connecting with like-minded people. I am passionate about societal issues, particularly climate and education policy, as well as making an impact.

The well-being of children and young people is especially close to my heart, as they are the future of our society. At the same time I want to work for to enhance the well-being of our elderly people who have made important work in building a strong society. Increasing financial resources for education and healthcare is essential to ensure sufficient and well-being staff, maintain high-quality teaching, and better accommodate students at different learning levels through inclusion. Additionally, I aim to strengthen collaboration between universities and businesses so that students can gain valuable experience early in their studies.

Alongside my studies, I work as a student representative and higher education coordinator in Åbo Akademi’s student board. In this role, I advocate for equality among students, particularly in assessment, and work to improve student well-being. I also collaborate with the City of Vaasa.

Vaasa has been ranked as the happiest city in Finland, and rightfully so. It is home to friendly people, unique nature, and excellent opportunities for recreational activities. My goal is to make Vaasa an even more attractive city, ensuring that students from other regions choose to stay here after their studies.

Important political topics

Sustainable and attractive planning

It is important that Vaasa implements determined climate policies and commits to following the UN’s international climate agreements. This means that the city develops the efficient use of renewable energy sources and makes public transport accessible and user-friendly for everyone.

Keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees is not enough if we only focus on preventing climate change. We must also develop innovative solutions that can actively remove emissions from the air. This requires advanced technology and research.

The residents of Vaasa should be encouraged to actively participate in environmentally friendly policies and take responsibility for their choices. This includes using renewable electricity at home, favoring plant-based food, which is both healthy and climate-friendly and more efficient and available collective traffic. At the same time, Vaasa should further encourage recycling by, for example, distributing free biodegradable waste bags.

In addition, all residents should have easy access to nature, as this not only promotes well-being but also raises awareness of the importance of environmental protection.

Vaasa has already made great progress towards these goals by distributing free biodegradable waste bags, investing in renewable energy, and building residential areas close to nature. However, more work is needed, especially in climate policy education.

It is not enough to teach natural sciences in theory, but students should be even acquired the possibility to experience nature. Time spent in nature increases appreciation for its resources and strengthens the understanding of how every decision affects both the environment and human well-being.

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Candidate's answers in election machine

1 / 11

Early childhood education should be free for everyone.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

I support the goal of making early childhood education more accessible to everyone, but at the same time, it is important to consider the sustainability and quality of preschools and primary schools. Right now, the city of Vaasa is facing a staff shortage, and many early childhood educators are overwhelmed with work, which affects both their well-being and that of the children. We cannot make early childhood education free of charge without first ensuring that we have enough qualified and well-trained staff. It is also important that the work of early childhood educators is valued fairly, both financially and through better working conditions. Making early childhood education free can be a good idea, but we must not do so at the expense of the staff or compromise quality to finance it. So, while I support more accessible early childhood education, a more thoughtful solution is needed that takes into account both staff and quality.

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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Schools in overall have gained significant benefits from using digital devices, such as the ability to participate remotely via Zoom and Meet. Teachers have also gained access to a wider range of assignments and learning materials through technological platforms like Sanoma. However, it is important to remember that students learn in different ways. Many benefit from having at least part of the learning material in traditional books. Especially younger children tend to learn better when the teaching material is in paper form. On the other hand, in middle school and high school, as students\' abilities develop, the use of digital books can be more effective. I believe that learning materials don’t have to be entirely digital, but it’s important to consider different learning styles and maintain traditional books as part of the teaching materials. This could also encourage reading outside of school.

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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Sports and leisure activities brighten everyone’s daily life, provide a good break from everyday tasks, and have been proven to improve concentration, work and study ability, and creativity. In a performance-driven society, where success in studies and work is constantly emphasized, it is important to remember that everyone also has the right to well-being and to enjoy life by pursuing personal growth. Furthermore, hobbies play a crucial role in disease prevention, which in the long term also saves healthcare costs. For this reason, I strongly support that Vaasa financially supports a wide range of leisure activities and the goal-oriented work of sports clubs, as part of helping children and young people achieve their dreams.

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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Culture, as well as free-time activities, enables well-being and satisfaction among citizens. Culture is an important part of citizens\' identity and finding their own voice. Just like art, culture should also be promoted as part of school activities. I believe that a broader range of craft and art subjects would strengthen students\' self-confidence and empathy, as well as help them find joy and a sense of meaning outside of their studies.

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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It is an important part of our city\'s autonomy that all Vasa residents have the opportunity to influence how we use our shared resources. It is great that we offer many free and easily accessible services, such as outdoor gyms, sports fields, and even a spot for winter swimming. Furthermore, all of these are just a short distance from the centrum of Vasa.

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The municipality should invest in public transportation.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It is important that Vasa implements a targeted climate policy that promotes sustainable decisions. This means that the city of Vaasa makes public transportation accessible and user-friendly for everyone. This is important even for the equality.

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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Even more people are dividing their time between their home town and their summer residence. The flexibility of work and the development of digitalization are influencing citizens\' living arrangements in different locations. In the future, the role of the municipality could be completely new from a citizen\'s perspective, where multiple locations are experienced as the citizen\'s home municipality. It is also important to consider living in different locations in terms of the citizen\'s rights and obligations. For example, collecting municipal taxes from those who live in two different municipalities could be part of Finland\'s cost-saving measures.

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The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

It is important that Vasa implements a targeted climate policy that promotes sustainable decisions. This means that Vasa actively uses and develops renewable energy sources, for example in electricity production and transportation.

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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

Vasa has good opportunities to plan housing in a way that allows all residents, from small families to individuals, to live in an apartment that meets their needs. This is also related to climate policy. While it may be efficient to build high apartments for students, detached houses might be a better option for small families. Additionally, it is important to remember that every resident should have short distance and easy access to nature from their home.

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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.

Completely of the same opinion
Partially of the same opinion
Partially of a different opinion
Completely of a different opinion

I believe that recruitment works best when the employer makes their decisions without prejudices and bases their choices solely on the candidate\'s qualifications and skills. At the same time, it is understandable that employers want to form at least some impression of the candidate before making a decision, so that they can feel confident in their choice. However, I believe that the recruitment process should be as transparent as possible, so that personal opinions or the employer\'s previous experiences do not overly influence who is chosen for the position. It would be beneficial if every employer hired a labor law expert specifically for the recruitment process to ensure that the hiring is done correctly. The person who succeeds best in the job is the one who has the right interest and experience in the field.

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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?

The ability to instantly purify the environment and stop climate change.
Invisibility to reveal and combat corruption at all levels.
Time travel to correct historical mistakes and improve the future.
Infinite wisdom to make perfect decisions on all political matters.

Unfortunately, we cannot change history, and hindsight is of no use, but instead, we can influence the future. My goal is to make Vasa a municipality where both nature and its residents thrive. Sustainable development is important for the resilience of nature, and nature, in turn, is an important resource for people.

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