"For a sustainable and thriving future – I want to focus on attracting families with children to our region! By making the area attractive to families with children, we ensure a workforce, economic growth, and community. Together, we create an inclusive and diverse region where everyone can thrive. "
I am analytical and skilled at seeing the big picture. I focus on the future and how we can meet it to be a good city. My decisions are then based on everything supporting the vision we have for the city. One can learn from history and previous decisions, but I will not focus on complaining about the past. It is easy to be wise after the event but harder to make decisions about the future when you don't have all the cards on the table. I have also studied administrative law and am well-versed in how good governance should be managed.
Moved to Jakobstad 19 years ago and feel like a fish in water. Grew up in Korsholm. Have 3 teenagers and Jakobstad has been a great place for them to grow up in.
Important political topics
Economy & Business
A diverse business sector creates jobs, tax revenue, and immigration, which is the foundation for a healthy economy in the city, so that we have resources to allocate in the best possible way
Children, Youth, and Families
Families with children and young people are the future. For us to be a successful region in the future, families with children should thrive in the city, and the city should also be attractive to returnees and new residents
Forerunners in climate and the environment
We should continue to invest in sustainability in collaboration with the business community to be a viable and attractive region in the future and to attract investments and new residents to Jakobstad
Candidate's answers in election machine
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We need a youth center in the town center.
There should be a low threshold for young people to gather in a safe environment. By providing opportunities for healthy leisure activities and good habits, we give young people the chance to have a good start in life
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Considering the development and competitiveness of the business sector, we should merge with neighboring municipalities.
It provides an opportunity for more efficient management and a stronger organization with experts in each sector. Instead of having overlapping functions and joint projects that require multiple times more resources from each municipality, as is the case today
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We need more tourism investments in Fäboda.
We should create opportunities for all groups in society to enjoy Fäboda and its unique environment. Therefore, local residents and tourists should be given the opportunity to rent space in the area. We also need to generate more revenue for the region from tourism. Fäboda is large, so with good planning, all interests can be accommodated
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Early childhood education should be free for everyone.
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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.
Textbooks should mostly be traditional. It is important that children first learn to absorb written material in book and paper form. The digital element in today\\\'s society is so strong and moves so quickly, so it is important for children and young people to learn to concentrate and absorb information from books at a slower pace than the rate at which information is fed to them from digital platforms. However, young people should also learn to work in digital environments and critically evaluate information in the digital world.
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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.
In cases where it provides residents with the opportunity for better health to prevent future problems, and in this way can reduce future healthcare costs. Also, to be a city that attracts new residents.
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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.
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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.
Partly, but the residents already influence this by choosing their elected representatives.
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The municipality should invest in public transportation.
To the extent that it is economically justifiable in a small town.
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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.
Residents should be given the opportunity to participate and influence in the municipalities where they have interests.
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The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.
The municipality should actively consider this in its planning and also lobby to attract investors in wind and solar power to the region. We must develop in step with the times, and now it is important to focus on renewable energy to reduce global warming. This also generates revenue for the city, allowing us to maintain good welfare in the future. Times change, and we must accept and live with it. Now, this is what matters, just as shipping was previously important for the region
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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.
Yes, it is important for all generations and people to meet in everyday life and integrate, because everything is about human encounters, communication, and understanding each other.
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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.
It is important that people are selected based on competence, but also important to have a good network and good cooperation skills
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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?
Priority on creating a good future because we cannot correct what has been, but we should learn from our history. It is important to stop climate change, but this can only be done with good decisions for the future.\\\"