Name: Anne Ahlefelt
Year of birth: 1977
Municipality: Espoo
Town: Espoonlahti, Esboviken
Title: Leader in early childhood education

Member in:

Svenska Kvinnoförbundet



"For an equal and bilingual Espoo where education is highly prioritized."

I am a local politician in Espoo and work especially to ensure that our children, young people, and families have the best possible well-being. In early childhood education and schools, everyone should feel safe, included, and well. This applies to children, young people, guardians, and staff members.
This is something I also work for daily as a leader in early childhood education for two units in Espoo.

Additionally, I am active in associations and an advocate for equality. What I do, I do wholeheartedly and fully.

In my free time, I actively use the exercise opportunities offered by the city. You can find me in swimming halls, outdoor gyms, exercise stairs, or on jogging tracks and forest trails. In the summer, the beautiful archipelago draws me out to the sea. All this and much more, I want us Espoo residents to have access to in the future as well.

Important political topics

Children, Youth, and Families

1. Children and young people should have a healthy, safe and meaningful everyday life in early childhood education, schools, and during their free time. Family life should be functional, and it should be pleasant and good to live and reside in Espoo.

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The best schools

2. In Espoo, we should have the best education for our children and young people. This applies to everything from early childhood education to secondary education. Learning paths should be functional and transitions smooth. Everyone should feel included and equal. We must absolutely invest in ensuring that the staff feel well and can cope with their important work.

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Equality and Equity

My Espoo is equal, inclusive, and open to everyone. Everyone should feel welcome and equal regardless of who they are. Equality should also permeate the entire city's operations.

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