Name: Fredrik Kock
Year of birth: 1982
Municipality: Kirkkonummi
Town: Långvik
Title: Bachelor Degree, Business Information Technology



"I want to work to ensure that the villages in Kirkkonummi, both large and small, have the opportunity to be heard. The decisions made today have a significant impact on our society in the future, and I see it as my duty to highlight the issues that matter most to our villagers."

My name is Fredrik Kock, and I am running in this year’s municipal elections in Kirkkonummi. I live in the village of Långvik with my wife, our two children, and our dog.

I want to promote closer cooperation between the municipality and its villagers, where everyone's needs and ideas are actively considered in decision-making. The voice of the villagers must be heard and taken into account in all important decisions.

Important political topics

Children, Youth, and Families

I want all children and young people in Kirkkonummi to have the best possible opportunities to grow and develop. By investing in schools, local services, and recreational opportunities, we create a vibrant municipality where families thrive and want to stay.

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Municipal and urban vitality

Villages are an important part of Kirkkonummi, and their development is crucial for the entire municipality's future. I want to see investments in public transport, infrastructure, and sustainable planning that strengthen the connection between villages and urban areas so that all parts of the municipality can grow and develop in the long term.

Read more about our election platform ›

Economy & Business

A strong local business sector creates jobs and security for residents. I want to support small businesses and entrepreneurs and promote sustainable solutions that strengthen both the economy and the environment in Kirkkonummi.

Read more about our election platform ›