"I want to work for Kauniainen to develop sustainably and for the schools to maintain a high quality"
I am a civil engineer and a mother of three children in daycare and elementary school ages. I grew up in northern Helsinki, lived in Otaniemi during my studies and moved to Kauniainen in 2008. I am interested in societal issues, especially sustainability and environmental issues as well as gender equality issues. In Kauniainen the main interests are school issues as well as traffic and planning issues. I am an avid everyday cyclist and I usually get around by bike in Kauniainen.
Important political topics
Sustainable and attractive planning
I want to work for sustainable planning and construction. Green areas and biodiversity should be considered in the planning. Light traffic routes should be developed so that it is safe to both walk and cycle in Grankulla. The starting point should be to maintain and preserve existing buildings. I also want to promote more wooden construction and planning solutions that take into account space for trees also in the city center.
The best schools
I want to work for a high-quality school and daycare. Group sizes must not become too large, and there should be enough school assistants and daycare assistants in the groups. It is also important that both languages, Swedish and Finnish, are considered equally in school matters, which is ensured by two separate and equal school committees. To promote a vibrant bilingualism, I advocate cooperation between Swedish and Finnish schools, for example in the form of joint theme days.
It should be safe to get to school on foot and by bike in Kauniainen. Traffic arrangements around the schools must be improved to prevent accidents. I also advocate for better bicycle racks in school yards.
Municipal and urban vitality
In a vital city residents, entrepreneurs, and associations thrive. To enable the best conditions for everyone, a well-managed economy and good communication between all parties are required.
To get the economy in Kauniainen balanced, I advocate both reductions in expenses and, if necessary, a moderate increase in municipal tax. Kauniainen's strength is the investments in schools and daycare, culture, sports, and exercise. I am not prepared to make significant cuts in these areas. Savings measures must primarily be found in other areas. It should not be an end in itself to keep the municipal tax rate significantly lower than other municipalities at the expense of children and residents' well-being.
Candidate's answers in election machine
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We should have a swimming hall in Kauniainen.
I think the swimming hall is important for promoting well-being in Grankulla. The swimming hall is used by residents of all ages, from schoolchildren participating in school swimming lessons to active seniors. The swimming hall is in a good location, and the yard with its outdoor pool for the youngest children is very appreciated. I have spent many summer days at the outdoor pool with the children over the past 10 years.
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The Swedish-speaking municipal daycare should continue to be concentrated at Kasabergets daghem daycare center.
It is important that daycare is planned long-term and that there are no changes that lead to the relocation of children and staff too often. The municipal Swedish-speaking daycare has been systematically concentrated in Kasaberget for about a year now, so I see no need for changes in the coming years. Kasaberget\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s daycare is in a central location and is therefore a natural alternative for the city\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s only Swedish-speaking daycare. However, I do not rule out that other alternatives for the Swedish-speaking daycare will be investigated in the future if the need for Swedish-speaking daycare changes. But the city\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s only Swedish-speaking daycare should not be located in a remote area, both language groups should be treated equally, and there should be daycare places at a reasonable distance from homes for both language groups. The Swedish-speaking daycare should also not be split into small groups in bilingual units, as this would make the Swedish-speaking activities very vulnerable, for example, in terms of securing Swedish-speaking staff.
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Both Finnish- and Swedish-speaking early childhood education and schools should continue to be governed by their own committees.
The rights of the minority language (in this case Swedish) are best protected in the model with two separate and equal committees. The model with two committees means increased linguistic and cultural autonomy for both language groups and enables a living bilingualism in practice. I advocate for good cooperation and communication between committees and for working towards practical collaboration, such as joint theme days for Swedish and Finnish schools.
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Early childhood education should be free for everyone.
Unfortunately, I don\'t think this is realistic. I think the current situation, with fees based on the family\'s income, works quite well. Of course, it could be developed so that more people would be covered by reduced fees.
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Schools should prioritize traditional textbooks over digital learning materials.
I think it is good to use both traditional books and digital learning materials. I trust that the educators can determine what works best for learning.
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One of the municipality’s most important tasks is to invest in sports facilities and opportunities for exercise and recreation.
Investing in sports facilities as well as exercise and recreation opportunities creates well-being. So yes, it is an important task among many other important tasks.
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It is important to provide all residents with equal opportunities for cultural activities.
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The municipality should introduce or improve opportunities for residents to influence how municipal funds are used through participatory budgeting.
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The municipality should invest in public transportation.
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It should be possible to be a resident in more than one municipality, for example, through digital municipal citizenship.
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The municipality should better facilitate the expansion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.
For Kauniainen, it\'s mostly about promoting the possibility of placing solar panels on rooftops. There is no space for wind power or solar panel parks.
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The municipality should mix more housing types in planning than is currently the case.
Too many expensive \"luxury apartments\" are being planned in the city center. The city should also enable the construction of more affordable residential buildings in the center.
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The municipality should introduce anonymous recruitment.
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If you could give a superpower to your future political leader, what would it be?
I am unsure if there is such a thing as \"perfect\" political decisions, i.e., decisions that are perfect from everyone\'s perspective. However, stopping climate change is one of the most important issues for the future.