Name: Eloize Suhtala Uvalic
Year of birth: 2001
Municipality: Helsinki
Town: Helsinki
Title: Business Graduate

Member in:

Svenska Kvinnoförbundet

Suhtala Uvalic


"More equality and wellbeing in society benefits us all. "

I’m a 24-year-old woman with a wide experience in the field of culture and tourism. I come from a multicultural background which has taught me openness and understanding towards different perspectives. I am a very active and curious person, and my interests include arts, wellbeing and assuring better living conditions in our society for all.

Important political topics

Culture and Leisure

We have to work to preserve our unique culture. This means conserving and protecting our cultural treasures, highlighting Helsinki as a city as well as putting resources into different cultural sectors. The capital’s cultural spectrum should be diverse and represent all the different aspects of society.

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Equality and Equity

It’s important and necessary that we fight for equality. Regardless of gender, ethnicity or background, we are all worth the same, and that has to be noticeable in the decisions we make. We have to ensure basic needs and rights for everyone.

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Thriving citizens

Investing in mental health, especially among the young, is crucial. Everyone should be able to get help and it should be easy to find. No one should be left alone with their feelings. We have to make sure that the help is adapted and caters to the relevant needs.

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