"A green and comfortable Sibbo of a suitable size"
Born and grown up in Sibbo. Came back to Sibbo 25 years ago after years in Helsinki, Uleåborg, Milwaukee, Kaiserslautern.
I like my municipality as it is green and humane. I am working with IT, nowadays in learning and teaching with education technology, both as support and developer of the usage.
I have been a local politician since 2013, been in the board in Sibbo, and is right now the first vice chariman of the full council. The kids´ hobbies like soccer and orienteering, and intrest for music, have made me realise how important hobbies are for your well being, and how important it is that the municipality supports sports and culture.
The village schools are safe for the kids, but also important for the village togethership, but to keep it up needs all our help.
I am also working hard to keep our village free from the future crossing by the eastern train.